Wednesday, May 26, 2010

National Teleconference on Interchange

From Dan Mica:

I know this is short notice, but please plan to dial in and participate in a 30-minute national teleconference on interchange that CUNA is holding tomorrow, Thursday May 27, at 2 p.m. Eastern time. On this urgent call I will update you on CUNA and league efforts and strategy to remove the interchange fee amendments the Senate inserted into the regulatory reform legislation pending in Congress. And we will spell out what we need your credit union to do at the grassroots level, starting next week while members of Congress are back at home for the Memorial Day district work period. We understand how important interchange is to you, and we are pulling out all the stops to remove the Senate interchange language. It will take an all-out grassroots effort, so we need credit unions unions like yours to speak out directly to lawmakers. We'll tell you more on tomorrow's call.

The Phone number for this call is: 1-877-238-4671
Enter the Conference Passcode: 885145

Note: You should call at least 15 minutes ahead of time and it may take several minutes to connect because of call volume. If you receive a busy signal when dialing the number above, please proceed to dial one of the following numbers and utilize the corresponding passcode

2) Toll free: 1-866-288-9872
Enter the Conference Passcode: 114884

3) Toll free: 1-866-548-4713
Enter the Conference Passcode: 290492

4) Toll free: 1-877-238-4695
Enter the Conference Passcode: 806878

Although we have reserved 3,000 lines, please limit your credit union to one line so that we may get maximum participation. You can also find out more information about the call at this link on CUNA's web site: Thank you.

Dan Mica

President & CEO